Tuesday 1 May 2012

Gears of War 3 Characters


The Gears of war 3 Characters are more detailed than most other games and the way they look so real for a animation characters.

The C.O.G have 6 main characters that people play there's Marcus, Dom, Cole, Anya, Baird and Samantha . The other characters are Dizzy, Hoffman, Chairman Presscott and gears like cog gear, onyx guard and Carmines and others thas in the C.O.G, they normally wear black, gery and white with bule armour for their colours, they are bule team.
The Locust have no main characters, but the most played characters are Therons, General Ramm, Myrrah aka the Locust Queen, Kantus, Savage Hunter/Grenadier,Locust Drone. The Drones are the main guys that you v.s in the campagin.
All the characters have their own different look then any others, some of them have hats, helmets or they wear nothing at all, most of them have a knife on them for a more war like look.
I like the game for the voice actors that make the game give the characters thier own voice that suits them, like cole is voiced by Lester Speight. The locust have more of a harsh, rough voice when the C.O.G have more solid voices.
Some of the best characters that i think are cool to play as is Chairman Presscott and Dizzy for the C.O.G and General Ramm and Goldern Hunter for the Locust. All their charactwers have so much detail pn them, then any other games I've Played.

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