Sunday 29 April 2012

Gears of War 3 multiplayer maps


Gears of war 3 Multiplayer maps

Gears of war 3 multiplayer maps have a more different style to them.

All the maps in gears of war 3 maps are different from each other, they mostly have something thats special in their own way so you know which map it is. Every map has 1-3 power weapons, power weapons are weapons that you don't spawn with and are very powerful e.g Boomshot,Longshot,Digger

Most of the maps are smilar on both sides so the two teams spawns are on either side of the maps, the areas you spawn at has some cover for you just in case  if the enemy team attacks your side. On both sides of the map the two teams have a pistol and a grenade that spawns on the their side of the map and the power weapons spawn in the middle normally but some maps they don't. 

One thing that most gears fans love about gears of war 3, is when you press the back button on the controller it brings up the map and now the map shows where the weapons spawns and it shows where your teams mate locations are at all times and you can see where all the cover, buildings and also where the boundies are.

The maps are in different enviroments so you have a variaty of locations to fight in, Epic games the guys that make the game brings out new map packs for our needs of new maps. No other games maps can't be prepared to any others.

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